White Horse (Whitehead) n. 15

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15. Of those who are against the Word. Of those who despise, blaspheme, and profane the Word (n. 1878). Their quality in the other life (n. 1761, 9222). They relate to the viscous parts of the blood (n. 5719). How great the danger is from profaning the Word (n. 571-582). How hurtful it is, if principles of falsity, particularly those which favor self-love and the love of the world, are confirmed by the Word (n. 589). They who are in no affection of truth for its own sake, utterly reject the things appertaining to the internal sense of the Word, and nauseate them, from experience of such in the world of spirits (n. 5702). Of some in the other life, who endeavored altogether to reject the interior things of the Word; such are deprived of rationality (n. 1879).

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