Conjugial Love (Rogers) n. 110

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110. A seventh time the angel drew out a piece of paper, and he read from it the following opinion:

"We representatives in the room under the light from our window found our thoughts and our consequent judgments stimulated by reflecting on conjugial love. Who is not stimulated by this love? For when it fills the mind, it at the same time fills the whole body. "We judge the origin of this love from its delights. Who knows or ever has known the path any love takes except from its delight and pleasure? The delights of conjugial love are felt in their origins as blessings, felicities, and states of happiness, in their derivative states as gratifications and pleasures, and in their final states as the most consummate of delights. "Love for the opposite sex has its origin, therefore, when the inner faculties of the mind and thus the inner faculties of the body are opened to receive the inflowing of these delights; but the origin of conjugial love occurs at the time the states of engagement and betrothal begin and when through these states the first atmosphere of that love advances these delights into an real conception of them. "With respect to the vigor or potency of conjugial love, this results from the capacity of this love and its flow to pass from the mind into the body. For the mind is in the body from the head whenever it feels and acts, especially when it is experiencing the delights of this love. We judge the degrees of its potency and the constancies of its successive expressions to be a consequence of this. "Moreover, we also trace the vigor of its potency as coming from heredity. If it is superior in the father, it becomes also superior by transmission in the offspring. Reason agrees with experience that this superior ability is by transmission reproduced, inherited, and passed down." This statement was signed below with the letter F.

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