De Verbo (Whitehead) n. 26

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26. XXVI.* [THE WORD WITH THE SPIRITUAL ANGELS.] Exploration was made as to how the spiritual angels express the words of their speech, and it was found that they express or speak them according to ideas, and from the ideas of the things which they signify, as when they express or speak of a horse and chariot, then they express them by a word which is significative, as a horse from ideas of the understanding, and a chariot from ideas of doctrine from the Word; and in like manner in other cases; so that they speak from the correspondence of those things which they see in like manner as men. In a word, they give names to them from correspondence. [2] It was therefore now disclosed to them, a thing they had not known, that they have correspondences in the words of their speech; and it was disclosed by their examining in the natural with me their ideas concerning those things in a spiritual state. In a word, the words of speech of their tongue were all formed from correspondences.

[3] Inquiry was made as to how they write, "horses harnessed to a chariot." They said that they write only l, and that that letter expresses it. Inquiry was then made how they write "the understanding of doctrine," and they said in like manner by l, but that they are then in a higher thought. From this also it was plain that there are correspondences in the words of their language, but that few of them had attended to this, just as few in this world attend to spiritual light, when the light of the understanding is spoken of, or illumination and enlightenment; and to fire or spiritual heat when heavenly fire is spoken of, as that which enkindles hearts, not knowing that fire and heat therefrom correspond to love, which is of the heart, that is, to the will, and light to truth, which is of the understanding.** * No number 25 is found. ** The manuscript ends here.

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