De Verbo (Chadwick) n. 24

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24. XXIV

The Word.

In the spiritual kingdom they have the Word in its higher region, written in such a way that it can be understood ever more intelligently by an intelligent person, but simply by a simple person. In short, in this there is manifest an inner and an outer intelligence; and there is an inner script.* This is achieved by various sorts of pointing over the letters; the pointing means affections, and series of points express ever more inward types of intelligence for the more intelligent people. This Word was seen by me, at least some of it. I also saw something in the Word** of the celestial kingdom. This has still more secrets noted, but by means of various curves and squiggles above and inside the letters, which are peculiar to the celestial kingdom. These secrets are especially transcendental, and cannot be grasped by an angel of the spiritual kingdom. In fact, he cannot think about them. They were accordingly told that they cannot come anywhere near the wisdom of the angels of the celestial kingdom, just as neither can those in the natural sphere come near the intelligence of the angels of the spiritual kingdom. It is utterly transcendental. I have frequently experienced this. Experience has established for me that the intelligence of the angels of the spiritual kingdom is indescribable and incomprehensible to those in the natural kingdom, and the wisdom of the angels of the celestial kingdom is incomprehensible and indescribable to those in the spiritual kingdom. As regards the Lord's Divine wisdom, this is so far above all other wisdom that it has no standard of comparison. For all the intelligence and wisdom of the angels is finite, but the Lord's Divine intelligence and wisdom is infinite. The finite and the infinite have no standard of comparison. The reason why the intelligence and wisdom of the angels is finite is that angels are recipients, and all recipients are created, and also finite. * The text reads `and the inner is written', but scripta is probably an error for scriptura. -Tr. ** The text should perhaps read in Verbo for in eo Verbo, or if in is deleted ex Verbo. -Tr.

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