I. The Holy Spirit is the Divine, which proceeds from the One, Infinite, Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God. II. The Holy Spirit, in its essence, is that God Himself; but in subjects in which it is received, it is the Divine Proceeding. III. The Divine, which is called the Holy Spirit, proceeds from that God Himself through His Human; comparatively as that which proceeds from man, that is, as what he teaches and operates proceeds from his soul through his body. IV. The Divine, which is called the Holy Spirit, proceeding from God through His Human, passes through the angelic heaven, and through this into the world, thus through angels into men. V. Thence [it passes] through men to men, and in the church chiefly through the clergy to the laity, what is Holy is continually given, and it recedes if the Lord is not approached. VI. The Divine Proceeding, which is called the Holy Spirit, in its proper sense is the Holy Word, and the Divine Truth therein;
VII. And its operation is instruction, reformation, and regeneration, and hence vivification and salvation. VIII. In the degree that any one knows and acknowledges the Divine Truth which proceeds from the Lord, in that degree he knows and acknowledges God; and in the degree that any one does this Divine Truth, in that degree he is in the Lord, and the Lord in him. IX. The Spirit, in respect to man, is his intelligence, and whatever thence proceeds