4662. CONCERNING THE HOLY SPIRIT. It is manifest, from many parts [of the Word], that not the Holy Spirit, but an angel, spoke to the prophets. The prophets say that an angel spoke to me: also David, I think. In like manner, an angel [spoke] to Zacharias, to Mary, and to the shepherds [Luke i.] Thus, they who spoke the Word to the prophets were angels. They are called the Holy Spirit, because holiness [came] through them, from the Lord. The Divine is here and there termed the Spirit of Jehovah, by the prophets: but the Jews, like their fathers, called whomsoever spoke to them [in this manner], God, because, for reasons mentioned elsewhere, he called himself God; therefore, also, at the time of the Lord's advent, they Worshipped the Holy Spirit, which was because [the notion] could not be eradicated in a moment: and, though the Holy Spirit is named, the holiness of the Spirit, or the Divine, as in the Old Testament, is meant.