634. But I shall make the truth known. When belief in three Gods was introduced into the Christian churches, something which happened from the time of the Council of Nicaea on, all the good of charity and all the truth of faith were banished. For these two are in no way compatible with worshipping three Gods in the mind while worshipping one God with the lips. For the mind denies what the lips speak, and the lips deny what the mind thinks. As a result neither is there belief in three Gods, nor in one. This makes it plain that the structure of the Christian church from that time began not merely to crack, but to collapse into rubble. From that time on the pit of the abyss was opened, and from it went up smoke as from a mighty furnace, the sun and the air were darkened, and from the smoke there came forth locusts upon the earth (Rev. 9:2, 3). See the explanation of these verses in APOCALYPSE REVEALED. In fact it was from this time that the desolation predicted by Daniel began and increased (Matt. 24:15); and it was that faith and its imputing that caused the eagles to gather (24:28); eagles there stand for the leaders of the church with their sharp sight.
[2] If anyone says that this was decreed by the unanimous vote of the Council, in which so many bishops and distinguished scholars took part, how can one trust Councils, when Roman-Catholic Councils also unanimously arrived at the conclusions that the Pope is the vicar of Christ, that saints are to be invoked, images and bones venerated, the Holy Eucharist divided, that purgatory and indulgences and more besides exist? How can one trust councils, when that of Dort, also unanimously, voted in favour of predestination, a detestable heresy, and exalted it as the supreme object of religious veneration? Do not, reader, put your trust in Councils, but in the Holy Word. Approach the Lord and you will be enlightened. For He is the Word, that is to say, the very Divine truth in it.