181. The question may be asked, what is the very source and spring from which has flowed forth such an abomination of desolation, as described in Daniel (9:27), and such an affliction as never was nor ever will be (Matt. 24:21)? The answer must be that it comes from the actual faith universally held throughout the Christian world, and from its influence, activity and imputation, as traditionally taught. It is astonishing that the doctrine of justification by that faith alone plays the leading role in the Christian churches, when it is no true faith, but a chimera; that is to say, it dominates the clergy almost as if it were the only theological dogma. It is this that all the recruits to the clergy in their schools avidly learn, swallow and absorb. And afterwards, as if inspired by heavenly wisdom, this is what they teach in their pulpits, publish in their books, and use to pursue and borrow a reputation for superior learning, fame and glory. It is for this that they are presented with diplomas, degrees and prizes. And this happens despite the fact that as a result of that faith alone to-day the sun has been darkened, the moon deprived of her light, the stars have fallen from the skies, and the powers of the heavens have been shaken, as predicted by the Lord's words in Matthew (24:29). I have been given evidence that the doctrine of that faith has to-day so blinded people's minds that they are unwilling and therefore unable to see any Divine truth inwardly in sunlight, or in moonlight, but only outwardly with its rough exterior in the light of a fire by night. Therefore I am able to prophesy that if there were sent down from heaven, written in letters of silver, the Divine truths about the true linking of charity and faith, about heaven and hell, about the Lord, about life after death and about everlasting happiness, these believers in justification and sanctification by faith alone would not judge them worth reading. But it would be quite different if a paper on justification by faith alone were sent up from hell; this they would seize on, kiss and carry off home in their pockets.