1219. For the marriage of the Lamb is come, signifies conjunction of the Lord with the church. This is evident from the signification of "marriage," as being conjunction (of which presently); also from the signification of "the Lamb," as being the Lord as to the Divine Human (see n. 314). It is said "the marriage of the Lamb," because the conjunction of the Lord with the church is the conjunction of His Divine Human with it; for there can be no immediate conjunction with His Divine which is called the Father, since this cannot be received, for it is above every idea of the thought of men and of angels; not so with the Divine Human, for one can think of this. This is why it is said "the marriage of the Lamb," and not "the marriage of the Lord God."
[2] As there are like things in heaven and in our world, in the heavens there are spaces and times, but the spaces there, like the lands themselves and the things upon them, are appearances; for they appear according to the states of the angels, and the extensions of spaces and distances appear according to the similarities and dissimilarities of states. By states are meant states of love and wisdom, or of affections and of thoughts therefrom, which are manifold and various. According to these the angelic societies in the heavens are distant from each other, also the heavens are distant from the hells, and the societies of the hells from each other. It has been granted me to see how likeness of state conjoins, and lessens the extension of space or distance, and how unlikeness of state separates, and produces extension of space or distance. Those there who appear to be a mile apart can instantly be present with each other when the love of one for the other is stirred up, and on the other hand those who are talking together can instantly become a mile apart when anything of hatred is aroused. [3] That spaces in the spiritual world are mere appearances has also been made evident to me by this, that many from distant lands, as from various kingdoms of Europe, from Africa, and from India, also the inhabitants of different planets and of widely separated earths, have been present with me. And yet spaces in the heavens appear extended in the same way as the spaces of our earth. But as the spaces there have only a spiritual origin, and not at the same time a natural origin, and thus appear according to the states of the angels, so the angels can have no idea of spaces, but they have instead an idea of their states; for the changeableness of the spaces gives rise to the idea that they are from a spiritual origin, thus from a likeness or unlikeness of affections and of thoughts therefrom. [4] It is the same in regard to times, for as spaces are, so are times, since progressions through spaces are also progressions through times. Times also are appearances of states because the sun of heaven, which is the Lord, does not there make days and years by its revolutions and progressions, as the sun of the world seems to do; consequently in the heavens there is perpetual light and a perpetual spring, and therefore times there are not fixed, permanent, and measurable. And as times also vary according to the states of the affections and of the thoughts therefrom, for they are short or diminished by things delightful to the affections, and are long or lengthened by things undelightful to the affections, so the angels cannot have from appearance an idea of time, but they have instead an idea of states from its origin. All this makes clear that the angels in heaven have no idea of space and time, but they have a spiritual idea about these, which is an idea of state. [5] But this idea of state with the consequent idea of the appearance of space and time comes solely in and from the ultimates of creation there; the ultimates of creation there are the lands upon which angels dwell. It is there that spaces and times appear, and not in the spiritual things themselves by which the ultimates were created; nor do they appear in the affections themselves of angels, except when the thought from them extends to ultimates. But it is otherwise in the natural world where spaces and times are fixed, permanent, and measurable, and therefore enter into the thoughts of men and limit them, and distinguish them from the spiritual thoughts of angels. This is the chief reason why man cannot easily comprehend the Divine omnipresence and omniscience, for even when he wishes to comprehend them he is liable to fall into the error that God is the inmost of nature, and is for that reason omnipresent and omniscient.