5. But, so that this may penetrate the understanding, it must be known definitely that because He is Love in its very own essence, that is, Divine Love, the Lord appears before the angels in heaven as a Sun, and that from that Sun go forth heat and light. The heat going forth hence is, in its essence, love, and the light thence going forth, in its essence, wisdom; and to the extent that the angels are recipients of that spiritual heat and light, to that extent they are loves and wisdoms. They are not loves and wisdoms from themselves, but from the Lord. This spiritual heat and light inflow, not only into angels and affect them, but also into men and affect them precisely as they become recipients. And they become recipients in accordance with their love to the Lord and love towards the neighbour. This Sun itself, or Divine Love, cannot by its heat and light create anyone directly from itself, for such a one would be Love in its essence, which is the Lord Himself. But it can create out of substances and matters so formed that they can receive the heat itself and the light itself; comparatively also, the sun of the world cannot, by heat and light, directly produce germinations in the earth, but produces them out of the matters of the ground in which it can be present by its heat and light, and cause vegetation. It may be seen in the work HEAVEN AND HELL (n. 116-140) that the Divine Love of the Lord appears as the Sun in the spiritual world and that from it goes forth the spiritual heat and light from which the angels have love and wisdom.