IT WAS NOT POSSIBLE FOR REDEMPTION TO BE EFFECTED, NOR CONSEQUENTLY FOR THERE TO BE SALVATION, EXCEPT BY GOD INCARNATE 1. The Word of the Old and New Testaments teaches that God became incarnate. 2. All the Church's worship prior to God becoming incarnate foreshadowed and had respect to Him who was afterwards incarnate; for that reason, and for no other, that worship was Divine. 3. God Incarnate is "Jehovah our Righteousness", "Jehovah our Redemption", "Jehovah our Salvation", "Jehovah our Truth"; and all these are meant by the two names, Jesus Christ. 4. It was not possible for God not incarnate to fight against the hells and overcome them. 5. It was not possible for God not incarnate to be tempted, and still less for Him to suffer the cross. 6. It was not possible for God not incarnate to be seen and recognized, nor consequently to be approached and thus conjoined with men and angels, except through Himself incarnate. 7. There cannot be faith in a God not incarnate, only in Him incarnate. 8. This is why it was said by people of old that no one can see God and live [Exod. xxxiii 20], and why the Lord said that no one hath seen the Father's shape nor heard His voice [John v 37]. 9. And why, too, God showed Himself visibly to people of old through angels in a human form, a form representative of God Incarnate. 10. All God's operating is effected from first things through last things, thus from His Divine through His Human. It is on this account that God is "the First and the Last, who is, who was, and who is to come" [Rev. i 8, 11, 17]. 11. In the ultimates of God all Divine things are present together, thus in our Lord Jesus Christ are all things of His Father. 12. It follows from these propositions that redemption could not have been effected by any means whatever except by God Incarnate. 13. Nor can there be salvation either, except by God Incarnate, thus only by the Lord Redeemer and Saviour; and this salvation is a perpetual redemption. 14. It is for this reason that those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ "have eternal life", and that those who do not believe in Him have not that life [John iii 15, 16, 36]. * This chapter was not in Sk.