AFTER THE UNITING WAS COMPLETED, HE RETURNED INTO THE DIVINE IN WHICH HE WAS FROM ETERNITY, TOGETHER WITH, AND IN, THE GLORIFIED HUMAN 1. From eternity Jehovah God had a human such as angels in the heavens have, but of infinite essence, thus Divine: He did not have such a human as men on the earths have. 2. Jehovah God took to Himself such a Human as men on the earths have in accordance with His Divine Order, which is, that it should be conceived, be born, grow up, and should drink in Divine Wisdom and Divine Love, successively. 3. Thus He united this Human with His Divine from eternity, and in this manner He "came forth from the Father and returned to the Father" [John xvi 28]. 4. Jehovah God, in this Human, and by means of it, "executed righteousness" and made Himself Redeemer and Saviour. 5. And by uniting it with His Divine He made Himself Redeemer and Saviour to eternity. 6. Jehovah God by the union of this Human with His Divine exalted His Omnipotence. This is meant by "sitting on the right hand of God" [Mark xvi 19]. 7. Jehovah God in this Human is above the heavens, enlightening the universe with the light of wisdom, and inspiring into the universe the excellence of love. 8. Those two gifts are what they receive who approach Him as a Man and live according to His precepts. 9. In the view of angels Jehovah God alone is a full Man.