Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 62

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62. [61] St. Genevieve. She appears sometimes to the Parisians, in a middle altitude, in a splendid dress, and then as it were with a saintly face, and grants herself to be seen by many. But when some begin to invoke her, then immediately her face changed, and also her garments; and she becomes like another woman, and chides them, and rebukes them severely, for wishing to worship a woman, whose lot is no other than the lot of ordinary women, and who is not more highly esteemed among her associates than others: and she chides them even to shame, that men in the world are taken with such trifles. I will add, that the reason why she appears to them such at the beginning, was to the end that it might be known what kind of delusions these were. I heard the angels say that she sometimes appears so, for the sake of separating the worshippers of men from the worshippers of God. She also teaches them that she knows nothing at all more than others, and nothing whatever about invocation.

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