Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 60

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60. [59] THE SAINTS OF THE PAPISTS. The papists, especially the monks, when they come into the other life, inquire for the saints, each one for those in his order; and the Jesuits do the same: and they likewise find them; but when they speak with them, they do not find more of holiness with them than with others. On being questioned, they say that they have no more power than others; and that they who have not worshipped the Lord, but only the Father, have no power; and that they are among the vile, whom their associates despised. Some of them know that they have been canonized; and when they are proud of it, they are derided by their associates; some do not know it. The most of those who affected sanctity in the world, are in the lower earth and in the hells, because they did this from the insane love, that they wished to be invoked and worshipped as gods; and that love profanes all the sanctity of heaven. But still the monks, and especially the Jesuits, conceal the lot of those, and lie to the common people, that they are saints on account of a restraint* and obedience; although they laugh at them in their hearts.** * The M.S. has, mucus narium; Tafel, mercurius vivus. See SE 3811, 3812, where mucus narium occurs. ** The M.S. has a marginal note which Tafel omits, namely, Sunt spiritus quaqueriani qui ex cultu a quaqueriis in mundo se credunt spiritum sanctum et ab aeterno fuisse, sed successu temporis veniunt inter prophanos, qui vocantur spiritu stercorei et cadaverosi, excrementum abominabile.

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