Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 56

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56. [55] They were compelled to an interior confession of the Lord; and I then heard profane things, such as I should scarcely dare to publish; denying, yea, profaning the things which are said there concerning the conception of the Son by the Father; that He was carried away from the sepulcher by the disciples; that the transfiguration was a vision induced by fantastic spirits; that He was a man so low that He was lower than others; besides more heinous things from which it was evident that they are the worst of all in Christendom, and that they have hatched a theology out of their skull, and have afterwards consulted the Word, profaning it, because it does not make one with their vain delusions. The evils with themselves they call goods, because [they say] nothing of evil is imputed to them.

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