Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 49

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49. [48] They have preached much that they have a certain interior sensation and perception, which they say is from an influx from God the Father through heaven, by means of angels or spirits. But it was told them, that they have that sensation or perception from spirits who were Moravians in the world, and that they are in the midst of them, and that these flow in from similar principles, and confirm; which is done strongly, because they love their religious persuasion and think much about it. This was shown them to the life; also that the Quakers are in society with Quaker spirits, Enthusiasts with enthusiastic spirits, and every man with spirits who make one with the affections, and the thoughts or principles taken therefrom; and that it is never otherwise. On account of the living experience they could not but affirm this, though they were unwilling.

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