Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 47

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47. [46] The Moravians conceal their mysteries of mysteries, and close up the ways, lest they should be known by others; insinuating themselves through such things from the Lutheran doctrine as agree, proclaiming that they are the remains of the Apostolic Church, who call themselves brethren; and that they have mothers, and certain statutes from the early Christians; but as to the interiors of religion they differ from them altogether. They do not acknowledge the Divine of the Lord as anything else than what is with any other man who is in that faith. They speak lightly of the Word of the Old Testament, and reject it as of no use. The Gospels they do not care for, only Paul's Epistles. They condemn the goods of charity or good works, as to salvation, professing faith separate from charity more than others. Because they are Arians, I spoke with them concerning the Lord. They said that He was sent by God the Father, that by the passion of the cross He might save the human race, and on account of it was acknowledged as a Son, and called the Son of God; that their faith is confidence, that they love the Lord as the best man, because He took upon Himself to propitiate the Father by the passion of the cross. They say that the Lord has power in heaven, and not over heaven. They call Him the Lamb, nor do they ever adore Him as God. When it is said to them, that He was conceived of God, that He says He was from eternity, and that the Father and He are one, they hear these things, but they think against them. They dare not say that it was so written, but was not said: and such things concerning the Lord they miserably distort, and as it were lacerate. They therefore take refuge in these words, that they themselves know how it is, but it is among their mysteries of mysteries.

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