Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 337

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337. [329] The understanding teaches the will and does not lead it, or faith teaches, but does not produce good works. For man can discern and see what is good and evil, but still act contrary there to, and then he either shuns it, or holds it in hatred, the will in the understanding is then opposite, yea in time dissipates it. Truth seen is what one acknowledges, but this is not the truth of life. But what once becomes of the will is either evil or good, this is stirred up by the sight and by the understanding, or the thought, and then the will is stirred up, and thence it exists in the thought. It is thus effected in all things reborn. It then appears as if the will was aroused by the thought; but it is not so. It is as if the sight should teach the feet to walk cautiously, and the hands to do the work. It appears as if that leads, but it does not lead, but shows and teaches. It is altogether like the heart and the lungs. The lungs do not respire unless the heart also acts, nor can there be given a reciprocal conjunction from the lungs but from the heart. See more below.

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