Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 190

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190. [192] When, from the Lord, I was in the faith of the knowledges of truth it was found that evil spirits were powerless to refute them or even to reason about them as when I was in the knowledges that the Lord rules the universe, that the Lord alone is life, and that the proprium of man is nothing but evil, and others of a like kind. Evil spirits hearing these, although they did not believe them yet could not contradict, for truth is averse to it, because the intellectual does not admit any thinking against it. From this it was made clear that those who are in the simple faith of truth resist evils. I also saw some, who were in truths, who passed through many hells and all the infernals retreated, nor could they approach, still less do any evil. But he who believes in the faith set forth in the church at this day, cannot do this; the infernals are in no way troubled at their approach, because truth from the Lord is not in that faith.

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