Last Judgment (Post) (Whitehead) n. 180

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180. [180] HE-GOATS; THEY ARE THOSE WHO ARE IN FAITH SEPARATE FROM CHARITY. Speech was held with some in regard to the he-goat mentioned in Daniel and to its combat with the ram; and also in regard to the judgment on the goats and sheep mentioned in Matthew. And beneath me there then appeared a he-goat with great horns which was seen to infest the sheep and to treat them badly with its horns, and also to toss them hither and thither. And inquiry was made as to what this was, and it was said that this was the appearance of those who are in faith separate from charity, and of their combat with those who have been in the life of charity. And it was said that before their own eyes they do not look like this but like men sharply disputing with each other; and that he who seemed like a he-goats, was one who was in faith separate, while they who seemed like sheep were those who were in the life of charity. For sometimes, and especially at a distance, spirits appear according to their affections, inclinations, and their principles therefrom. For example, when anyone is thinking from the understanding, he appears as though sitting on a horse, and some appear in other ways. Hence it was made evident that by the horned he-goat in Daniel, and by the he-goats in Matthew, none others are meant. It is supposed that all the evil are meant by the he-goats, but no others of them are meant than those who have lived wickedly and have nevertheless confessed faith alone. [Marginal Note:] [182] After the Last Judgment was accomplished many were seen who had been scattered among others at the back in the west; at a distance they appeared like he-goats, and some like dragons; who because they wished to seduce the upright were removed thence and driven into deserts where there was scarcely a shrub.

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