Divine Love and Wisdom (Rogers) n. 90

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90. Because angels are spiritual beings, they cannot live in any other warmth or in any other light than spiritual warmth and light. On the other hand, people cannot live in any other warmth or in any other light than natural warmth and light. For a spiritual environment suits a spiritual being, and a natural one a natural being. If an angel were to draw the least bit of his existence from natural heat and light, he would perish, because it is unsuited to his life. [2] Every person in the interiors of his mind is a spirit. When a person dies, he departs altogether from the world of nature, leaving all of its properties behind, and enters into a world which has not a speck of nature in it. And in that world he lives so detached from nature that he has no communication with it by any continuous connection, that is, by the kind of continuum that exists between something purer and something cruder, but by the kind of connection that exists between something prior and something subsequent, whose only communication is by correspondent relationships. [3] It can be seen from this that spiritual heat is not a purer natural heat, and spiritual light a purer natural light, but that they are of an entirely different character; for spiritual heat and light take their character from a sun that is pure love, which is life itself, while natural heat and light take their character from a sun that is nothing but fire, which has in it absolutely no life (as we said above).

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