200. All perfections increase and ascend concomitantly with degrees and in accordance with them for the reason that all predicates accompany their subjects, and perfection and imperfection are universal predicates, being predicated of life, forces, and forms. Perfection of life is a perfection of love and wisdom. And because the will and intellect are the recipient vessels of these, perfection of life is also a perfection of the will and intellect, and so a perfection of affections and thoughts. Moreover, because spiritual warmth is the conveyer of love, and spiritual light the conveyer of wisdom, the perfection of these may be included under perfection of life as well. [2] Perfection of forces is a perfection of all those agencies which are activated and set in motion by life, but which in themselves are devoid of life. Such forces include the atmospheres in the influences they exert. Such forces include as well the inner and outer organic substances in a person, and also in animals of every kind. Such forces include in addition all those phenomena in the natural world which are apportioned activities directly and indirectly by the sun there. [3] Perfection of forms and the perfection of forces go hand in hand, for the character of the forces determines the character of the forms, the only difference being that forms are substances, while forces are their activities. Consequently the two exhibit the same degrees of perfection. Forms which are not at the same time forces are also perfected in accordance with degrees.