3038. people: such as one is, in such a way does the other respond, if not in outward behavior, still at heart. So people know this very well and do not go beyond what others will suffer, fearing from them the responding evil. And this happens with countless variations depending on the state of mind and nature of each person, as everyone should know. It is so engraved on nature that chicks, or even the smallest insects, resist [each other] according to the taunts and moods. Now this all shows that the evil of punishment that they imagine to come from another is from themselves, for that is given as a response. If this is the case in the tiniest and in all things of nature, why not in the greatest body? But in the world of evil spirits, this takes place as it does with the human race. Reaction in the heavens is different, for there nothing of evil is inflicted on anyone, but is turned into good. 1748, 2 Sept. This was shown by experience.