Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 2774

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2774. About those who join company during bodily life

Those who associate together during the life of the body find one another in the other life and want to be associated in the same way, even if they are of unlike mind. But then their thoughts come into the open and their nature asserts itself. Therefore, groups that had joined together in bodily life, when they are dissimilar in mind and had done so from a variety of motives, are very troublesome, and behave according to their inward thoughts. Those whom they had hated in their thought in the world even while outwardly pretending [friendship] for worldly motives, are exceedingly tormented because of their association in the other life, for sometimes they cannot be released from them except after a long period of time-from all of which numerous further points can be deduced. These things have been shown and told to me through actual experience. 1748, 9 Aug.

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