Spiritual Experiences (Odhner) n. 1443

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1443. Further, I saw very many spirits of the inhabitants of Mercury, who constitute only inner sensation, all together as if in one mass, stretching out as if in long rows. But because many of them did not want to stretch out in this direction, thus toward this earth, they bent themselves back like a huge army, gyrating toward the right side, then turning around and approaching the planet Venus. As they were nearing it, they said that they did not want to be there, because they knew them to be very wicked. But being informed, I was able to realize that they were calling them very wicked because [the spirits of Venus] call themselves nothing, and wild animals, and those from the planet Mercury detested this. They therefore betook themselves to the other side of the planet Venus, saying that here the good ones are. From there as end point of their course, they curved around to the right and the left, more or less surrounding that whole planet, that is, the spirits of that planet.

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