1373. One like this had been wrapped in such a woolen veil, which took place near me, and while he was unrolling himself, he slipped down to the left in a long series of rolls, in a course slanting deeply toward the lower earth above the place where, on the other side, woodcutters are. He was let down into the depth, meanwhile seeming to lift himself by rolling back up, but in vain, again being let down toward the depth.
1373 1/2. Indeed, also his hands appeared, detached from his body, first his left hand, which went upward. He complained that he had lost a hand. After some time, the right hand also seemed to be detached in the same way. I was told that if he did not get his hands back and they do not return to his body, it is futile-he still trusts in his own power, his own strength.